Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mold Me and Make Me 溶我和造我

This quarter We took a Sabbath break from serving in the worship team at church; and stop "serving for serving's sake". Now humbly we come into Jesus' embrace, and let God does whatever is needed, to prepare us for the next stage of life. We start to walk the spiritual walk together as a couple, joining the cell group life,and get "reconnected" with God, the life-giver. Our prayer is to have "More of God and less of us" in our marriage life. We want to thank those of you who has been keeping us in your prayers, your prayer is much appreciated!
這個學期,我們跟教會請個假,讓我們卸下教會的敬拜讚美服事. 因為我們決定我們不應該為"服事而服事".在這些日子裡,我們重新回到神的懷抱裡,讓神親自來作工,好讓我們的生命有所改變,為著生命的下一個階段來準備起跑. 我們倆開始一起走這屬靈的道路,加入了小組生活,重新跟神支取新的力量. 我們的禱告是在我們的婚姻當中"主更增加,我們減少".我們感謝在這期間,一直默默為著我們禱告的朋友們.你們的禱告是大有功效的!

And I -- in righteousness I will see Your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness - Psalm 17:15

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