Sunday, May 01, 2005

Conversation 談話...

It's about 10:30 at night, a clear beautiful night. The stars are dazzling like diamonds... It's our quiet drive back from cell group.
Coming out of deep thought, Janelle says to Kelly
"Kelly, promise me you will live longer than I do, ok?"
" Why is that, Honey?" Seriously, who would talk about things like this out of the blue.
" Because I'm not strong enough to see you go first" Janelle explains.
"Ok sure, I'll do my best" Kelly is always very agreeable. "Do you think you will remember me when you go to heaven?" he asks.
" I think so, I will wait for you in the heaven, and I will even come greet you on your way to heaven" Janelle returns to her deep thought...
"Do you think you will still be my wife in heaven?"
" Hmm...I think I will still remember that I was your wife on earth, but I think no one will marry in heaven..we'll be brothers and sisters"
It's not hard to imagine why Janelle came up with this conversation...because that night in the cell group, we talked about how people will rise when Jesus comes again...
" When you go to heaven, can you save me a seat right next to you, so we can worship God together like we do now on earth?"
"Sure dear, when I goto heaven, I'll remember to save you a seat..."
Silence soon takes over again, but our hearts just like our hands, are united together...what a peaceful night... there we continue driving to our home sweet home...

已經晚上十點半了,往外一瞧, 哇…星星閃爍著好像小時候愛玩的金粉灑了到處都是.原來小組聚會才剛結束, 我們正安靜的行在回家的路途中…
從她的沉思中醒來, Janelle 跟 Kelly說
“Kelly你答應我, 以後一定要活的比我更久, 好嗎?”
“親愛的, 為什麼?” 說真的, 有誰會在這種安靜的夜理想到生死的重要問題…
“好吧, 我會盡力而為的” Kelly一直都是溫和, 就算他不知道將來如何, 可是他總是溫柔的複和.
“我會記得你的, 我會在天堂等著你, 而且當你來的時候,我會來跟你打招呼喔” Janelle 慢慢的又掉入她的沉思裡.
“嗯...我想我會記得你是我的丈夫, 可是在天堂裡,人應該也不嫁也不娶…所以我們就是主內的弟兄姊妹了”
“好阿,親愛的,等我去天堂後, 我會記得幫你留個位子的…”

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