Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Two Memorable Things (Two) 兩件難忘的事情之二

We found this 5 day old baby Starling on our driveway. His right leg was broken and he was severely dehydrated when we found him. We saved his life by praying for him, keeping him warm, feeding him every 45 minutes, and taking him to the Wild B.I.R.D. (Wild Bird Information Rehabilitation of Denver--God bless their souls!). This bird will one day grow up and learn to fly like a normal bird! Oh! Kelly named him "Chester". ^_^

我們在地上找到了剛出生五天的小鳥,牠的右腳已斷而且還嚴重脫水.我們救了這隻小鳥,為牠禱告,使牠得到溫暖,給牠食物吃,隔天把牠帶到野生動物救護中心. 牠有一天將可以長大,變的更美麗,飛揚在天空中,像一隻正常的鳥一般. Kelly替牠取名為"Chester",我給牠取中文名叫"小雞" (太像雞了)^_^

(When we found him on the driveway 我們剛再車道上面看到牠時已快不行了)

(Feeding Time 吃飯時間)

(On the second day, Chester finally had energy to chirp and move around 第二天,Chester終於有力量叫了!牠還可以動來動去喔!真是勇氣可嘉的小鳥!)

Time to say goodbye 依依不捨的說再見

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Crew Koos said...
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