Sunday, September 25, 2005

Long Awaited Hamburger Day! 期待已久的漢堡日!

Mike was giving instructions to Kelly on how to make proper icecream


left: 12 eggs icecream mixture 左:12顆蛋的冰淇淋糊

right: Kelly the tastetester : Yummy~! 右: Kelly試吃小弟:嗯~好吃!

Some HUGE hamburger patties 好大塊的漢堡肉!

Time to grill up some delicious burgers 終於到了烤漢堡肉的時刻

First Hamburger Fest at Kelly and Janelle's 我們家的第一個自製漢堡餐

Homemade Icecream Time 好吃的自製冰淇淋

Mike described the icecream as: Eggy (which ironically, also describes who he is also^_^)

Mike說冰淇淋有很濃的蛋蛋味道 (剛剛好也描述了他自己-裡面黃的外面白的...)

What a great feeling it is to be healthy again!


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