Monday, September 05, 2005

New Friends 新朋友

Labor Day Gathering 新朋友聚一聚

Mike trying out the thousand year old egg for the first time (with Kelly scaring him on the side),and the verdict is "it tasted like an egg!"

Mike第一次試吃皮蛋(好勇敢!Kelly還在旁邊嚇他) 試吃結論...嗯...就像平常的雞蛋一樣阿

Jeannie is a cool violinist with a little country flair

Jennie小提琴拉的很好喔,她還跟我說:"來一首讚美之泉的'耶和華祝福滿滿'吧!" 哇..好利害

Mike the Bubble Tea tasted just like the store bought!

Mike很會做珍珠奶茶,喝起來就像店裡買的一樣耶! (他還問我們珍珠跟波覇有什麼不一樣...我們眾人都被打倒了)

Yummy! 好喝!


Bubblespitwad 看誰的珍珠飛的遠

Had too much caffeine? It's ok, it's DDR time! 太多咖啡因?沒關係,來跳跳舞吧!

Look!Rainbow 看!彩虹

Beautiful Sunset美麗的夕陽

What a happy day! 真是愉快的一天!

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