Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Second Anniversary Trip - New Mexcio

Today is the day!

5 1/2 hours later...

We are in New Mexico!

outside of our motel

top: walking tour guide
bottom: Ready to start the day!

Loretto Inn (Pueblo style building)

San Miguel Mission- Oldest church in America

oldest bell in America

the plaza

Left: Outside of Loretto Church
Right: the amazing staircases (notice there is no center beam support)

Kelly playing native american flute and drums

hungry...time to snack (we went to other nicer restuarants for dinners, but we forgot to take pictures...sorry!)

trademark of Santa Fe and Kelly

St. Francis Cathedral
Famous prayer

That's our first two days in New Mexico!

our anniversary day-- also known as our Museums day

Native Art

Center of the Maze Native Dancer

Yummy New Mexican Food

(We went to 3 museums that day... International Folk Art Museum, Native Art Museum, and Spanish Colonial Museum. It took us almost 6 hours to finish seeing everything. Kelly enjoys taking his sweet time to read every single fine lines...which he explained, will get our money's worth. It was a lot of fun! However, picture taking is you'll just have to go there yourself when you get a chance!)

And that's our third day!

time to go home!

Every anniversary Kelly promised to take us to a new place to explore, last year we went to Steamboat Springs, this year we went to New Mexico. Next year, who knows where will we go? But as long as we are together, we are blessed and satisfied.

This time, Kelly won't let me drive...He said he needs to be the Man of the House, so he should drive all the time, and let me rest and enjoy the scenary along the way, also feed him some apples when he's hungry. (I'm so lucky!)

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