Tuesday, January 24, 2006


It's normal that every pregnant women would get some kind of craving during her pregnancy. I'm not any different. However, to satisfied my craving for certain food has been somewhat of a challenge. So far, I've been craving for the most was Taiwanese traditional food, food that I grew up with, food that you can't really find in Colorado. Really, I have no idea if my craving has to do with my pregnancy or just I've been missing Taiwan for so long. In any case, my craving has been somewhat long lasting, so Kelly, my father and I can work together in finding the recipes, gathering all ingredients and finally making it. Here is a list of my cravings: 粽子(rice pyrimid),肉圓(Taiwanese meat cake),蚵仔煎 (Taiwanese oyster cake),擔擔米粉 (Taiwanese style noodles), 甜年糕 (Sweet Rice Cake),日本Oshima Ramen, Red Robin's fries, 韓國辣涼麵 (Korean Spicy Cold Noodles)... I'm sure more food will be added on to this list soon. As my grandma put it: "It's too bad that you're not having your pregnancy in Taiwan, otherwise, those food are everywhere in Taiwan." Yeah, I know... who knows what I crave for is what the baby needs or what mommy wants? For my second pregnancy I'll consider living in Taiwan... who knows, maybe by then I'll crave for steak, alfredo sauce and cold cuts. @~@

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