Friday, June 02, 2006

Baby's Latest Photo 鍾寶貝蛋的新照片出爐囉!

On our last prenantal visit Dr. Gibson decided to give us a free ultrasound, just to see if if our baby has turn her head down or not (And yep, baby is in headdown position, ready to see the world when mommy is ready too). We were surprised (and thankful) to see how our baby has grown over the past 3 months, and during the ultrasound both of baby's hands were on her face, and we also cought her yawning twice, it was SO adorable! Because baby was moving a lot during the ultrasound, Dr. Gibson had a hard time getting a clear photo of baby's face for us. Well, this one will have to do! 在我們八個月的產檢時,醫生提議給我們一個免費的超音波讓我們看看寶寶的頭有沒有朝下了. (感謝主,寶寶的頭已經朝下了! 只要媽媽準備好,她隨時可以來到世界上囉!) 我們看到寶寶在過去的三個月長大了許多,我們的心裡真是感恩...再趙超音波時,寶寶的兩隻手手都放在她的臉頰上(想不到那麼小就已經會裝可愛了) 不但如此,我們也驚奇的看到寶寶再媽媽肚子裡打了兩次哈欠,模樣真是可愛極了! 因為寶寶在照超音波的時候不停的扭阿扭的,讓醫生阿姨很難照到一張清楚的臉. 這一張算是最清楚的囉!

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