Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Missing Home

Now that Jenny is back from Taiwan, she has brought with her many blessings and love back from Taiwan. Not only she brought back news of our beloved families, she also brought back the newest update information about what's happening to our beloved Taiwan.
I don't understand why such deep connection and feelings I have towards my hometown. Maybe it's because of hormone playing with me during my pregnancy, or maybe it's just the purity, sincerity, kindness and love my families have shown to us when we were in Taiwan.
Such a small island, but yet struggling between freedom and criticism. Doesn't matter how media portraits the ugliness of political situation in Taiwan, there's still a clean little piece of heaven in Taiwan for me and everyone else, filled with harmony, simplicity and love.
I've suggested to Kelly the possibility for us to move back to Taiwan and reside there forever. However, this dream of mine slowly dimming away when I realized (or refused to realized) the language barrier for Kelly. It's ok, now I pray that one day we'll have the capability to go back to Taiwan once a year. A chance for my daughter to fall in love with Taiwan as much as her mother does. As for Kelly, I know he has fallen in love with my families in Taiwan, the food in Taiwan (easily, of course). There are many places he has yet to see that will make him fall in love with Taiwan all over again. And that's what we're planning to do for our next trip back to Taiwan, with our daughter.

May God bless you and your future, Taiwan. I full-heartedly pray that you will find your steps closer and closer to the One who has created you. Such a tiny island, with such grace and beauty. I'm proud of you as always, and I can't wait to see you again soon.

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