Monday, July 10, 2006

Unusual sight in Colorado

Mammatus (also known as mamma or mammatocumulus, meaning "breast-cloud") is a meteorological term applied to a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, often a cumulus or cumulonimbus. Their color is normally a bluish gray, the same as that of the host cloud, but direct illumination from the setting sun and other clouds may cause a gold or reddish cast. Mammatus can persist anywhere from minutes to hours, diffusing and disappearing over time.

一天下午大夥兒玩牌玩的正高興時, Kelly發現到天空的雲有特別的形狀. 不用說, 好奇寶寶Kelly馬上就拿起相機就往外跑. 經過Kelly的說明,這種雲狀叫"Mammatus clouds" 中文翻譯為"乳狀積雲". 不過以Kelly有限的中文程度,他一直興奮的叫著:"外面有奶奶雲!外面有奶奶雲!" 讓我們大家一頭霧水,搞不清楚什麼事讓他那麼的興奮. 事後想一想,還好,中文的自然科學教課書不是Kelly翻譯的...不然可能會有很好笑的字眼出現在課本裡面. (不過也可能比較好背吧...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Janelle and Kelly!

Wow! I'm so glad that Baby Chung made it safely to nine months! I'm terribly excited for you both and I hope that her arrival is safe and over flowing with joy! Please know that I would love to be with you for this momentous event... I will be with you in spirit!
And aren't you happy that you aren't having quadruplet boys?!?!? Good thing God doesn't answer all of my prayers!

Love you both,
