Monday, April 19, 2010

First bloom of the season! 我們家的梅樹開花囉
Daddy and Elaine trying to gather up the leaves that were blown over from neighbor's tree. 爸爸跟以琳一起把從鄰居大樹上吹來的樹葉掃在一起
And then Elaine and Elliott would play with it 然後以琳在陪弟弟一起把它用亂.
And then didi would try to clean it up again然後弟弟也會幫忙掃乾淨一次.
Jie jie protecting her didi姊姊很保護弟弟喔!
一起賞鳥去 Looking at the birds!
A bird nest under our roof 我們屋簷下也有鳥窩
didi is so excited to see the daddy and mommy birds 弟弟看到鳥爸爸鳥媽媽好興奮~

去打蜘蛛! Let's go hit some spiders!

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