Thursday, December 09, 2010

Hyperness... 興奮...

is what you get when Elaine didn't take a nap.

Silly time 搞怪時間

Tonight after dinner, we're all in a silly kind of mood. So, we decided to monkey around. 今天晚上,大家都有點搞怪的fu. 所以我們決定一起搞怪吧!
Elaine puts on daddy's sunglasses. 以琳帶上爸爸的太陽眼鏡.

We excitedly anticipate this picture to be on didi's wedding montage.

Folding clothes 折衣服

Elaine is such a good helper around the house! Here she's helping mommy to fold the laundaries. 以琳現在是媽媽的好幫手喔! 現在她會幫媽媽折衣服了!
first, you fold the sleeves in. 第一,把袖子折起來.

second, fold the top to the bottom. 第二,把上面往下折.

That's it! 就好了!

Messy Faces 髒髒臉

Today Elaine and didi had their first lasagna of their lives. The verdict is: Yummy! We love it! 姊弟倆今天第一次吃他們人生中第一個千層麵. 反應是:好吃!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Beginning of Toilet Training 開始練習坐馬桶

Didi recently started to tell us that he needs to "poo poo", and we'll rush him to the toilet, but somehow the "urge of going" is no longer there for him anymore. Anyhow, we took that as a hint to start putting him on the toilet whenever he points to his butt and says "poo poo!" 弟弟最近開始會告訴我們他要"棒賽", 我們就趕快讓他坐到馬桶上,但是可能是不習慣吧,他都沒"拉"出來. 不過我們還是決定,既然他都會指著他的屁股說"棒賽"了,那我們也就開始訓練他坐馬桶了吧!

In this picture, he's not trying anymore...

從前聽人家說兒子是上輩子的情人,我都不相信.現在看到他的笑顏,我的心都溶化了. 不管相信不相信,我深深相信他永遠是我的小情人. I heard a saying long time ago, that "Sons are mother's valentine from last life". And I didn't believe that...But when I look at didi's smile my heart naturally melts. Doesn't matter what other people say, I believe that he's forever my little valentine.


Mommy's all time favorite smiley faces!

Elaine's Violin Lesson 以琳的小提琴課

音樂上, 這個月是一個精彩的一個月. 自己身為一個小提琴老師的我,從懷孕開始就一直在考慮是否要讓我的子女踏上我的後塵. (因為我知道這是要多少的付出與代價,無論是時間上,精神上,或是金錢上).
經過了許多的禱告,我決定還是要讓她學音樂. 我的理由很簡單, 因為,如果我的父母親過去可以在他們非常有限的經濟裡來支持我和妹妹一路走過,也毫不埋怨.那我怎麼可以剝奪我孩子學音樂,一生熱愛音樂的權利呢? 更何況,這也算是在神國的投資阿!
This month has been an exciting month musically for Elaine/didi and me. As a violinist myself, I've debated back and forth on if I should let Elaine play violin at all (knowing all the sacrifices and dedication of time and energy and $$ first hand). But after lots of praying, I've decided to start her anyway.
My reason is, if my parents, whom with such humble resource, could support me and my sister through all these years without complaining. How can I dare not give my children the same chance to explore what she might enjoy tremendously for the rest of her life? Not to say, it will be a great investment in the kingdom of God if they can use it in church one day.
So without a second thought, we looked around and bought a nice violin for Elaine. And thankfully Elaine enjoys it very much!
Elaine is using a 1/8 violin, while Elliott is using Elaine's old 1/32 violin (which my mom got for Elaine when she was 2) 以琳用八分之一的小提琴,弟弟用的是以琳小時候用的三十二分之一琴 (我媽媽買給以琳的禮物)

Didi doesn't know how to hold the violin properly, or talk in that matter. But he's acting like he knows everything. 弟弟不會拿琴,也不知道在興奮的說什麼東東. 但他自認他什麼都懂~

O Christmas Tree! 聖誕樹

This year we decided to put out the Christmas tree a little early, so we may enjoy it a little longer. We've warned didi not to touch it (oh how hard it must be for him and his curiousity to try not to touch it). So far, he is doing better than we expected! 今年我們提早把聖誕樹拿出來放囉!這樣子我們可以多賞心悅目一陣子. 我們警告過弟弟不可以去摸聖誕樹,我們可想而知充滿好奇心的弟弟是多麼的難以控制...可是超乎我們所預期的,他真得都不敢去摸耶!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Jiejie and Didi 姊弟情深

Jiejie and Didi love to goto the museum. I made them promised me to hold hands at ALL time. And what good children they are! They did!

姊姊和弟弟好喜歡去博物館走走,所以媽媽要他們一定要一直牽著手才可以去.想不到他們真得很聽話,平常在家裡像兩隻扭扭蟲的他們,竟然會乖乖的牽手看博物館. 別的家長說他們好乖喔! 我很想跟他們說"不要只看外表(在外頭的表現)"

Party hats for no reason at all~ 就是想帶生日帽

Do we need a reason to wear the party hats? I guess not!
帶生日帽需要理由嗎? 當然不用啦!


Daddy decided to take us to Chuck-E-Cheese on Halloween to escape from all the trick-or-treaters. Elaine and didi are SO excited! 爸爸決定在萬聖節的晚上帶我們去Chuck-E-Cheese玩.這樣子才不會被要糖果的小朋友們打擾. 姊姊和弟弟好興奮喔!
Yay for Didi! For he is no longer afraid of these rides. He loves them so much now that he could ride it 3 times in a row!! 給弟弟拍拍手! 弟弟再也不怕坐搖來搖去的小車車了,不但如此,他變得好喜歡坐喔! 可以連續坐好幾次都不厭煩喔!
Daddy's inner child came out, decided to play a couple games himself.

Originally, this game made Kelly looked very manly and cool. However after Elaine decided to join daddy, don't they look like the motorcyclists in Taiwan? 原本這個遊戲讓爸爸看起來酷斃了! 結果以琳決定要跟爸爸一起玩,搞得爸爸和以琳看起來好像在台灣騎摩托車的路人.

This photo was just silly

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Elaine's Dental Appointment 以琳看牙醫

Today I took Elaine to her biannual dental check up. She loves to go to the doctor's so it made my job/doctor's job a lot easier! 每六個月以琳都去牙醫檢查一次,以琳好喜歡去醫院看醫生喔! 算是個很配合的小朋友喔!
Take a photo before the nurse came!趁護士還沒來以前趕緊照一張!
A big smile before we start!在護牙前還不忘偷笑一下!

Taking Elaine's first ever X-ray photo 以琳一生第一次照X光

Elaine said: "It was lots of Fun!" 以琳說:"好好玩喔!"

It's always great to find out that Elaine's teeth are healthy and her adult teeth are forming normally under her baby teeth. Hooray for Elaine! 每次聽到以琳很健康,媽媽就為他感謝神. 她的成人牙也正常的在北鼻牙下面等著冒出來.感謝主, 一切都ok啦!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Two lazy bums 兩隻懶蟲

While mommy is cleaning the house, Elaine and Elliott disappeared from mommy's sight for a while, and this is what I found them doing- Sunbathing. 當媽媽打掃家裡時,這兩姊弟不見了.當我再次找到他們的時候,他們竟然慵懶的在地上曬太陽像兩隻小狗一樣!


My babies and me寶貝與我

Pumpkin Patch 南瓜園

I love fall in Colorado, it gives so many different colors and warmth to the season! Nothing like a trip to the pumpkin patch make you really feel the presence of fall.
我很喜歡科州的秋天.因為這裡秋天的色彩好美! 當你一踏入南瓜園,你就真正的感覺到秋天的氣息!

We're going with Elaine's class, Elaine still remembers to hold Elliott's hand most of the time. 我們是跟著以琳的班級一起去的,以琳還不忘要牽著弟弟的手一起走.

弟弟丟沙包,到最後,弟弟是爬到木板上直接放進洞裡. Didi throwing the sandbags, by the end, he climbs on to the board, and "puts" those sandbags in the holes.

By this time, jieh jieh is playing with her classmates, so I had a chance to take some pictures of didi.

Most innocent mosters I've ever seen. 媽媽看過最天真無邪的怪獸

Corn maze 玉米草做的迷宮

Hayride 坐農夫開的車

Elaine's pumpkin

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Jiejie and Didi 姊弟情深之二


Wildlife Museum

今天媽媽決定要帶以琳和弟弟一起出去玩, 出門前,媽媽就跟小朋友們說好,一定要手牽手才可以走路,還有媽媽說要回家,不可以有異議. 果然先警告是有效的. 兩個為了要出去玩的小朋友,竟然也有手牽手一起看博物館的畫面出現. 媽媽為他們的合作拍拍手. Mommy decided to take Elaine and didi for an outing. Before we left, mommy made the kids promised that they will always hold hands when walking. Also, when mommy says it's time to go home, there will be no whining. Both kids agreed without second thought. Once again, a warning before hand works its charm! What a rare sight to see my kids going through the museum holding hands! Mommy applaud their cooperation.
Don't know where Elaine learn to pose for pictures...
幫動物們放錄影機. Putting crittercam on animals.
騎海龜Riding the sea turtle.
Again, don't know where she got that pose from. 不知道她去哪學的姿勢.
call me number 1! Or, look at those birds! 叫我第一名! 其實是看鳥.

Daddy and Me 爸爸與我

Kelly is like a big kid! And the kids LOVE that quality about their daddy! When daddy is done working, both babies can't wait to climb all over their father. And daddy loves that! Kelly是個大孩子,小朋友們就喜歡爸爸這種童心未眠的氣質! 每當爸爸工作一結束,他們兩個小的就恨不得往爸爸的身上到處爬,爸爸也高興得似什麼呢!