Saturday, June 19, 2010

Denver Zoo 丹佛動物園

It was fun to go to the zoo on a summer weekday. We parked right in front of the zoo entrance and all the animals were alert! 暑假的周間去動物園最好了,又不會人擠人而且動物們都沒有在睡覺耶!
the kids are SO excited! 小朋友好興分喔!
Elaine requested to take pictures with the giraff statues
有一支笛就更巧妙了! 兩個牛童
爬河馬 climbing onto the hippo
Carousel 騎木馬
Who's staring at me?誰在看我?
學猴子挖白蟻 Digging for the termites like a monkey
Playing with the drums 打非洲鼓
坐火車 riding on the train!

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