Monday, September 13, 2010

in the backyard 在後院裡...

弟弟最喜歡吹泡泡了! 吹出一顆泡泡真是不容易,弟弟可興奮滴!
Elliott still loves to blow bubbles. It takes a LOT of effort to blow a bubble! And when he does get a bubble, he giggles and dances~

Elaine is crazy about bugs! 以琳好喜歡昆蟲喔!
Here she found an yellow caterpillar, and requested to take a picture with it. 有一天眼尖的以琳看到草地上有黃色的毛毛蟲在努力的往前爬,她趕快叫我幫她跟毛蟲照張相!

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