Friday, November 05, 2010


Daddy decided to take us to Chuck-E-Cheese on Halloween to escape from all the trick-or-treaters. Elaine and didi are SO excited! 爸爸決定在萬聖節的晚上帶我們去Chuck-E-Cheese玩.這樣子才不會被要糖果的小朋友們打擾. 姊姊和弟弟好興奮喔!
Yay for Didi! For he is no longer afraid of these rides. He loves them so much now that he could ride it 3 times in a row!! 給弟弟拍拍手! 弟弟再也不怕坐搖來搖去的小車車了,不但如此,他變得好喜歡坐喔! 可以連續坐好幾次都不厭煩喔!
Daddy's inner child came out, decided to play a couple games himself.

Originally, this game made Kelly looked very manly and cool. However after Elaine decided to join daddy, don't they look like the motorcyclists in Taiwan? 原本這個遊戲讓爸爸看起來酷斃了! 結果以琳決定要跟爸爸一起玩,搞得爸爸和以琳看起來好像在台灣騎摩托車的路人.

This photo was just silly

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