Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Back in California 回加州囉!

Our tamporary new home- Prayer Garden 我們暫時的新家祈禱園

My parents' great helper- Coco (look at her cute smile!)

爸媽的夥伴-Coco (看他燦爛的笑容)

Helping out in the kitchen 在廚房裡幫忙

Playing with the dog跟可愛的狗狗玩

Takes hours to water the flowers祈禱園的花需要幾個小時才澆得完呢!

Although we were extremely tired...雖然我們都很累了..

But we are SO happy that we're together again !可是我們很高興一家人終於又在一起了

Dear Parents (with Coco as the third wheel...)親愛的爸媽和當電燈泡的Coco

There's an ostrich farm right cross from the prayer garden在祈禱園對面有養駝鳥的地方

massage time for dad 幫爸爸槌搥背

Rest time-Took Parents out for Japanese food休息時間-帶爸媽出去吃日本料理

Back to work, helping dad to cut off some fallen branches (we saw a snake!)

又回到忙碌的時間-幫爸爸砍掉下來的大樹枝,在砍的時候還看到蛇耶! 夠鄉下了吧!

1)Parents and A-hsin (noticed how skinny my parents have become..) 爸媽和阿心(爸媽變的好瘦喔,真是心疼)

2) Lake Elsenore

1) Jenny at Lake Elsenore 老妹的唯美照

2)We DO look alike....我們還真的有點像...

1)During this busy time, my parents still finds time to make their famous beef noodle soup for us在這忙碌的時間,爸媽還是為了我們做我們懷念多時的正牌老伍牛肉麵

We went to LA to get some real hometown tasteTaiwanese food...yummy!


Famous hotel at UC Reverside- Mission Inn


Time to go back to Denver ><... 回丹佛的時間到了...真不想走..

We're always together我們永遠在一起

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