Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Tribute to our beloved Coco給我們所愛的Coco一個美好回憶的空間

Coco's sweet smile ^_^ Coco的甜美的笑容^_^

One of Coco's all time favorite- Scratching!抓癢好舒服喔!

"Are we going home now?" Coco asked "要回家了嗎?"

~伍Coco愛跟爸爸玩耍 ~ Coco Woo loves to play with Daddy

Coco loves to be the leader 愛帶路的Coco....

Coco the adventurer冒險家Coco

Coco's swamp Coco的遊戲區

Coco was so hungry Coco餓的咕嚕咕嚕叫!!

Coco's satisfied look after a good meal 吃飽滿意的笑容

Ready to play again!又可以玩耍了!

我們是好朋友! good friends !

We look like old friends 好幸福的感覺!

Every morning Coco loves to put her head on Janelle's lap and listen to Janelle mumbling... Don't want to leave you...


Still don't want to leave you...heartbreak...還是捨不得耶...心痛的感覺..

Bubye Coco! I'll see you in my dream! Coco掰掰!我們夢裡再見!

through a quick family meeting, we've decided that Coco is a part of our family now...she's the youngest sister of Jenny and I, Her name should be Coco Woooooo~ and should also call our parents baba mama. Coco happily agreed!


I will miss you! Stay strong!我會想你! 要幸福喔!

Coco's cute face 憨厚的Coco

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