Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years 2006

Kelly found his favorite childhood blanket,愛裝蒙面俠

Can you guess what we are making with these?!

Have you guessed it?

That's right! We're making Taiwanese Ba-Zung for the first time!

(seems like baby Chung really likes it... because mommy keeps on having ba-zung cravings..)

does it look somewhat like it?

We were so inexperienced that we need two people to tie one ba-zung!

tie it before it explodes!

Let's hope that it won't explode again...

Time to cook it! (ba-zung suppose to be 3D...some of it came out to be 2D, later ones turn out like 3D...If you pay close attention, you whould see some 2D ba-zungs in this picture)

It smells great though!


Although it doesn't look professional, but it taste quite delicious!

1 comment:

Amos & Cynthia said...

