Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hand in Hand 手牽手

Recently I've heard this song somewhere, and has finally found it on the web. This song encourages me greatly and helped me through my highs and lows. So, I post this song here for all my friends out there who are feeling kinda "down" today. May this song cheer us up and remind us love is still here around us. May each of our tomorrows be a brighter one!

手牽手全部歌詞 English Translation

這世界 乍看之下有點灰 (蔡琴) take a look of the world, it seems somewhat gray
你微笑的臉有些疲憊 (王力宏) your smile looks somewhat tiresome
抬起頭天空就要亮起來 (許茹芸) lift your head up, because the sky is dawning
不要放棄你的希望和期待 (孫燕姿) don't give up your hopes and visions

沙漠中的一滴淚 (周華健、林慧萍) a drop of tear in the desert
化成綠洲的湖水 is becoming a lake in the oasis
真心若能被看見夢會實現 (伍思凱) if truth can be seen, dreams will come true

手牽手我的朋友 (庾澄慶) hand in hand my dear friends
愛永遠在你左右 (庾澄慶、李心潔) love is forever surrounding you
不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄 (張信哲、順子) don't be afraid, never give up
這一切將會渡過 all these shall pass one day
因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹 (陶晶瑩吳宗憲) cuz of you and I, there will be rainbow tomorrow
手牽手我的朋友 (ENERGY) hand in hand my dear friends
愛永遠在你左右 (BAD) love is forever surrounding you

這一刻 不要躲在害怕後面 (張宇) At this moment, don't hind behind fear
這個世界需要多一點信念 (蕭亞軒) this world needs a little more faith
那塵埃不會真的將你打敗 (蔡依林) this dust will not defeat you
你將會意外生命的光采 (江蕙) you will be surprised by the rays of life

風雨過去那一天 (蘇芮、游鴻明) One day storms will pass
悲傷就要停下來 sorrow will stop then
感覺你身邊的愛它存在 (動力火車) come feel the love surrounding you, it's here

手牽手我的朋友 (張清芳、范逸臣) hand in hand my dear friends
愛永遠在你左右 (張清芳、范逸臣) love will forever be surrounding you
不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄 (周杰倫、張惠妹) don't be afraid, never give up
這一切將會渡過 (周杰倫、張惠妹) all these shall pass
因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹 (張惠妹) because of you and I, there will be rainbow tomorrow

(BRIDGE) 我的手 握著溫暖的火種 (李玟) there is warm sparkles in my hands
散發一點光和熱就看到笑容 (陶吉吉) spread a little light and heat, then you will see smile

手牽手我的朋友 (徐若瑄、周渝民、朱孝天) hand in hand my dear friends
愛永遠在你左右 (信樂團) love forever be surrounding you
不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄 (TENSION) don't be afraid, never give up
這一切將會渡過 (老爹) all these shall pass
因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹 (庾澄慶、彭佳慧)cuz of you and I, there will be rainbow tomorrow

手牽手我的朋友 (合唱)
因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹
手牽手我的朋友 (MACHI)
愛永遠在你左右 (SHE)
手牽手一起渡過 (5566)
愛永遠在你左右 (可米小子)

手牽手我的朋友 (合唱)

牽著我的手 看見明天的彩虹

手牽手 我的朋友 愛永遠在你左右 (合唱)
手牽手一起渡過 愛永遠在你左右
手牽手我的朋友 (陶吉吉、王力宏)

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