Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Meet Our Baby Girl!

This morning Kelly and I went to our 5th month ultrasound appointment and found out that we're having a baby girl! We're overjoyed with the gift God has bestowed onto us, and how Kelly will have his little valentine for the rest of our life. Our baby is extremely active in my tummy, she can move for a couple hours without stopping. And when I sing songs to her, she would move with the music, and when I stop, she would kick mommy a couple times to request more singing. During the ultrasound, she keeps on changing positions, doing different poses for daddy and mommy to admire. These two following pictures are the first two pictures our technician took, when baby was waving, and putting her little thumb into her mouth. Daddy and mommy are so proud of her!

Baby Waving Hi!

Baby Thumb Sucker

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