Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Daddy and Mommy's 3rd Anniversary

This year we are staying in Denver, Daddy took some days off from work so he could spend some quality time with Mommy and baby Elaine. We walked around in the mall, got our rings engraved, also got baby Elaine a Christmas shirt. In the evening, Daddy took mommy and baby Elaine out to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Baby Elaine was a very well-behaved "third-wheel"今年我們不去外州了,我們留在丹佛跟寶寶在一起.爸爸拿了幾天的休假陪寶寶也陪媽媽.我們今天去了百貨公司走走,把我們的戒指拿去刻字,順便幫寶寶買了件聖誕衣服.晚上爸爸帶我們出去吃飯,寶寶一整天都沒有哭哭喔!真是個合作的電燈泡!

Baby is more excited about the food than looking into our camera
Look at her checking out the food 看她直盯著食物看

Hm...let me choose a cheesecake for mommy 讓我幫媽媽選個甜點吧
Three of us 全家福

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