Monday, November 27, 2006

Elaine's New Toy 以琳的新玩具

Baby Elaine got some strong legs! She started to "stand" and "kick" all the time around 2 1/2 months. Since she likes to stand and kick so much, daddy and mommy decided to take this hand-me-down exersaucer out and let baby Elaine try it. Yep! She's loving it! (She even learned to turn around right away!) 以琳寶寶的腳腳可強壯的很呢!從兩個多月開始,以琳開始想要站,踢...坐都坐不安分.所以爸爸媽媽決定把這個玩具拿出來給以琳試試看.以琳一下子就會玩了,不但如此她馬上就知道怎麼轉圈喔!

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