Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Going to the Zoo!

As our anniversary weekend drawing to an end, Daddy decided to take mommy and baby Elaine to the zoo. Most of the time baby Elaine was more interested in looking at people than looking at the animals. But she really excited to see the elephants and the African Penguins, she laugh out loud and giggles when she sees them! Baby fell asleep at the end of the zoo trip (around the hippo part). Unfortunately we didn't get to see the lion cubs whose birthday were the same as baby Elaine's. Anyway, it was a great date for daddy and mommy ended with bubble tea. What an interesting experience for baby!

Up close and personal for baby Elaine

Baby's favorite African penguins ! taking pictures with the Mandrill

Hello Mommy! The sun's too bright!

Elaine in deep thinking..."what's that funny smell?"

At first mommy thought baby is praying...it turns out baby fell asleep!

Every time mommy goes to a zoo, giraffe is a must see!
Daddy found peacock hiding in the bush

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