Monday, December 11, 2006

Elaine's first rice cereal experience

Today we let Elaine sit on her high chair for the first time (Thank you, auntie Maggie for the high chair), she truely enjoyed being a part of the dinning experience, and watching daddy and mommy eat food that she'd love to try some day. After talking to Adah bak-mo and Karen gu-ma, daddy and mommy decided to let baby Elaine try rice cereal diluted with breastmilk. Baby Elaine caught on really quickly and loved eating, biting and playing with spoon! (don't mind Elaine's little boo boo on her face, it's getting a lot better now)

Mommy! I want more please! 媽媽! 我還想要一點ㄋㄟ!

Just chilling after dinner 吃飽了休息一下!

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