Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday Blizzard 聖誕雪

After Wednesday and Thursday's snowfall, we got more than 2 feet of snow in Parker. It's time to dig our way out of our driveway....good thing we're definitely having a white Christmas this year! It's Elaine's first time playing in the snow! She loved it! 星期三星期四下完雪後,我們家四週被多過兩呎的雪給包圍住了! 現在該是我們慢慢"挖"出門的時候了. 感謝主,今年的聖誕節很有氣氛非凡喔~白色的聖誕節! 這可是以琳寶寶第一次完雪呢!她看到雪好興奮喔!

Start digging! 開始鏟雪囉!

Our little snow angel baby 我們的小雪天使寶寶

Daddy and our little snowball baby 爸爸和雪球寶寶

Mommy and Baby 媽媽和寶寶

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! !

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