Thursday, October 07, 2010

Chill out before bed time. 睡前玩耍

Didi enjoys watching Jiejie play computer games. They will usually share a chair, and didi will be the "backseat driver" and tells Jiejie what to do in his own language, and for some reaosn, Jiejie understands everything he said. 弟弟喜歡看姊姊玩電腦遊戲.他們通常會一起坐在一張大椅子上面,弟弟會用他自已的語言告訴姊姊下一步該怎麼做,奇妙的是姊姊也都聽得懂.
這一張弟弟很用力的說"cheese!" Didi is saying "cheese" in this one.
And here, didi is copying Jiejie 弟弟愛學姊姊

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