Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Elaine's Violin Lesson 以琳的小提琴課

音樂上, 這個月是一個精彩的一個月. 自己身為一個小提琴老師的我,從懷孕開始就一直在考慮是否要讓我的子女踏上我的後塵. (因為我知道這是要多少的付出與代價,無論是時間上,精神上,或是金錢上).
經過了許多的禱告,我決定還是要讓她學音樂. 我的理由很簡單, 因為,如果我的父母親過去可以在他們非常有限的經濟裡來支持我和妹妹一路走過,也毫不埋怨.那我怎麼可以剝奪我孩子學音樂,一生熱愛音樂的權利呢? 更何況,這也算是在神國的投資阿!
This month has been an exciting month musically for Elaine/didi and me. As a violinist myself, I've debated back and forth on if I should let Elaine play violin at all (knowing all the sacrifices and dedication of time and energy and $$ first hand). But after lots of praying, I've decided to start her anyway.
My reason is, if my parents, whom with such humble resource, could support me and my sister through all these years without complaining. How can I dare not give my children the same chance to explore what she might enjoy tremendously for the rest of her life? Not to say, it will be a great investment in the kingdom of God if they can use it in church one day.
So without a second thought, we looked around and bought a nice violin for Elaine. And thankfully Elaine enjoys it very much!
Elaine is using a 1/8 violin, while Elliott is using Elaine's old 1/32 violin (which my mom got for Elaine when she was 2) 以琳用八分之一的小提琴,弟弟用的是以琳小時候用的三十二分之一琴 (我媽媽買給以琳的禮物)

Didi doesn't know how to hold the violin properly, or talk in that matter. But he's acting like he knows everything. 弟弟不會拿琴,也不知道在興奮的說什麼東東. 但他自認他什麼都懂~

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