Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Transformation in the Desert 在曠野裡的改變

Time passed by so quickly, it was about four months ago when we were at the lowest point of our spiritual walk. Our energy was drained and was tired of both church and world. We didn't know what's wrong with us and why we couldn't hear anything from God, we lived our life according to whatever pleased us. We had no idea where we were heading and what was the purpose of our being. We almost gave up on God, but thank God for He didn't give up on us. Just like Peter walking on the water with Jesus, when he started to doubt, the merciless water slowly swallow him piece by piece...And right there at that crucial moment he cried out "Jesus, save me!" And it was there, when the world is slowly digesting us...We shout out our final cry "Jesus, save us!" Looking back on those darkest moments of our life, we realized how much love and mercy He has for us, thus the beginning of a new awakening in our life.
God brought us into a desert, a place where nothing survives or eventually dies. In this wilderness of complete silence and desert storms, we both struggled and tried to get out from it, but the more we struggled the deeper we sank into the sand, there was where we faced our "Dead End".
Thank God, because the end of our way is the beginning of God's work! It was in the desert where the Israelite saw God's miraculous work! Once we quiet down and gave up our own opinions, God stepped in and show Himself to us. The stillness and the anticipation of what's to come is like a bomb that's about to explode at any moment....
It's in God that we've found our purest love for each other again; there we grow closer to each other while we walk closer to God together. In His perfection we see our own weakness... In God's embrace we repent and confess...It's there that we see a vision, a goal in life, and love everlasting.
Transformation hasn't end, we are still in the desert right now. However, God has given us strength again to blossom, to grow in His glory. In the desert where everything dies, we grow. Desert to us, is not torture anymore...It's a place where we find the true meaning of LIFE. So on we go with our new life, because we know as long as God is here with us, we need not to be afraid. Behold the Promised Land is near!! And there we shall reside in His glory.
"We will cover for each other"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

